Photography maybe many things for many individuals, yet for me it is therapy. Yes, I said it, T H E R A P Y. It helps me deal with the inner anxiety I face on a daily basis. It allows me to take one moment and freeze it to remember that moment forever. But most importantly it helps me cope with my own craziness. In my new book Her Powerful Voice it will dig a little deeper into myself than I have probably ever been. The extraordinary part is, I am telling my story, in hopes that it will help encourage just one person.
I will be honest, I had an extra long weekend and sat down and just started typing. The words flowed like it was meant to tell the story. The story of a small town gal, who found a passion for photography while going to school for Graphic Design and built a whole business around that L O V E. We all struggle, mine just happens to be a very focused struggle. I was asked last year at an art show, “How does art create healing for you?” It took me a H O T minute to figure that out. We all strive to heal in many ways. Some take on new hobbies, some volunteer all their time, some read a book. For me, photography is the therapy I use, the art I create to mend a soul that has been through so much. Art is healing, it is a saving grace that I am so happy to dive into especially when I know I need it the most. Those days when you just know, you are off balance and feel like the W O R L D is crashing down on you. Y E S! That is the moment I know that photography is my therapy. I knew at the moment picking up my camera, choosing what lens to use and just take a hike. I will be honest, I am struggle and it is very real sometimes. I take that moment one day at a time. So, if you are struggling, it is okay. You will find your peace. You will find your way to heal from a combat, abusive relationship, suicidal thoughts, or just struggling with everyday chaos.
Y O U got T H I S friends. You just need to find that one thing, that one P O S I T I V E task that will help you move one foot forward in front of the other. Remember earlier, I mentioned my book Her Powerful Voice and how I told you it just maybe that one story that you can relate too and use as your inspiration to start your day.
Tell your story, that is one that is hard for us all I am sure. Believe me I am still working on it myself. You know what I struggle with most, seeing the reaction on others faces. Not that I have been one to care what others think of me, but the narrative they will assume once they hear my S T O R Y. The story of my struggles, pain, regret, loss, and yet I will always still receive judgement. But I am real. A real woman, business owner, friend, daughter with real feelings and a heart a B I G as the Texas. I will be honest, I have many flaws and struggle on a daily basis with myself. I am human. I will always make time for others. I will drop everything for others, for ones that need a shoulder to cry, need a cup of coffee to talk through a B I G decision or maybe a glass of red wine to unload what a horrible week it was. No matter the situation, I am there. I know pain exist and how it can destroy your heart. But deciding in that moment to take that pain from a loss, or maybe the pain from a mental abusive relationship and use it. Use it to build your S T R E N G T H in a new journey. Y E S !!! Say that again. Use the struggles in your life to create a new journey that is going to be better than ever before.
Once you have that new journey in mind, let’s just say it will not be easy. Many know I am a positive person through and through. I have my moments of weakness at times, but usually when I know I am passionate about something and I am standing my ground. Just know, it is okay to fail. It is okay to fail as many times as you dang well please. In that moment of failure is where I found my true grit. The truest ambition I have ever felt. You can too. Just believe in yourself. Keep the H O P E of knowing this is not the end. You my friend have a whole like to live. That is what photography did for me. It have me hope, it gave me strength, it gave me the chance to believe i myself again. It gave me Her Powerful Voice.