The strength of one is exhausting; the strength of many we can conquer your battle. To voice of hundreds overpowers, we have heard it all. There is so many countless times that being alone; enjoying that peaceful run alone is perfect. Then there are times where we just need our bestie for ice cream, as we sit on the couch eating a half gallon of cookies and cream. We could just need our tribe to tell us, “You’re doing such a great job.” Why do we find ourselves pulling at one direction or the other, why can’t we have it both ways? It very well could be we need the balance between both to keep our insanity from exploding. This middle ground is where our life’s balance between taking that leap off the cliff.
Women need a tribe, why? Simple we need to go shopping, funny right? We need the support for our roller coaster of emotions we deal with on a daily basis. We strive for excellence in our marriage; our homes, our workplace and many of us are stay at home moms who definitely needs a tribe to keep your adult mindset in check. The support of other women gives us clarity to our vision of becoming successful. Now that could be successful in business or successful in our personal lives. In business the world is tough. You have to build the plan, structure the flow and keep your home life in tacked. A tribe in business just means you get that networking in for that hour you get free for lunch or that few minutes when you pass that partner in Walmart. To me, it is a never ending battle of socializing to gain the knowledge to progress in the business world.
The business world is such a struggle at times. For example, let’s look at what it looks like with just one day with me. Get your coffee ready, you may need it. Let’s pick a Monday for starters. We all know Monday’s are dreadful after a weekend off, well so you thought. So Monday morning your alarm goes off at 4:30am, yes ladies, I said 4:30am. Up before the sun rises for sure. You throw on your workout pants and an inspiring tank you bought at Old Navy to keep you motivated through what comes next, a workout. You and your workout tribe at 5:00am pull into the gym and get right on that cardio workout. You talk, gossip, warm up and end with a cool down walk around the track about 5:50am. At this time I am headed home after dropping my workout mate, shower and waking kids up for school. So I am getting ready for work, I have two children that have to catch the bus, you feed and care for two dogs and you still manage to somehow get to the office before 7:15am. I think progress, just completed a miracle before 8:00am in the morning. So proud of myself I was like let’s keep the mojo going. I have by now already had my pre-workout, intra-workout and already jugged my first of many rehydrates. So I am feeling powerful right now. I answer phones, I greet the veterans that come into the office, and I even input info for new ones and manage to still make it to a luncheon or meeting at lunch. Throughout the day, I am answering emails.
Now it is 5:30pm and it is time to go home. Wait for it, by now you’re on the edge of your seat. You would think I just go home, right? Think again ladies, think again. I take my daughter to jazz class and I sit in the lobby reading a book. I may talk to other mamas, I may work on emails or just take a breather since you know as soon as you get home, and it is nonstop go, go till you finally get to go to bed. When dance is over, I go home and prepare dinner if needed. I try very hard to prepare several meals for the week on the weekend, so it is a little faster during the week just to pull out leftovers. I get home to the little four legged kids jumping and very excited this mama is home. I start fixing dinner, warming dinner up or adding to dinner as the hubby forgot the veggie. I do a number of tasks between dishes, laundry, family walk, helping with homework, filling out permission slips and just trying to sit down for a minute.
It is now 8:45pm and I have my youngest headed to bed, the oldest two are watching Netflix. I used perfect time to make a smoothie for dinner or a late night snack. Drive and ambition is defiantly what is needed in anyone’s mind who may struggle with what is next.